Notifying subscribers and dispatching Domain Events from Sequelize Hooks

With Sequelize, recall that we can make use of the lovely Hollywood Principle ("don't call us, we'll call you"), by defining callbacks on the lifecycle hooks that get called when we perform operations against the database.

// shared/infra/database/sequelize/hooks/index.ts

import models from "../models"
import { UniqueEntityID } from "../../../../domain/UniqueEntityID"
import { DomainEvents } from "../../../../domain/events/DomainEvents"

const dispatchEventsCallback = (model: any, primaryKeyField: string) => {
  // Get the aggregate id from the Sequelize model just saved/updated.
  const aggregateId = new UniqueEntityID(model[primaryKeyField])
  // Dispatch any domain events on that aggregate from a previous transaction.

(async function createHooksForAggregateRoots() {
  const { BaseUser, Member, Post } = models

  // Notify subscribers when the User aggregate transactions complete
  BaseUser.addHook("afterCreate", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "base_user_id")
  BaseUser.addHook("afterDestroy", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "base_user_id")
  BaseUser.addHook("afterUpdate", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "base_user_id")
  BaseUser.addHook("afterSave", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "base_user_id")
  BaseUser.addHook("afterUpsert", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "base_user_id")

  // Notify subscribers when the Member aggregate transactions complete
  Member.addHook("afterCreate", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "member_id")
  Member.addHook("afterDestroy", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "member_id")
  Member.addHook("afterUpdate", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "member_id")
  Member.addHook("afterSave", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "member_id")
  Member.addHook("afterUpsert", (m: any) =>
    dispatchEventsCallback(m, "member_id")

  // Notify subscribers when the Post aggregate transactions complete
  Post.addHook("afterCreate", (m: any) => dispatchEventsCallback(m, "post_id"))
  Post.addHook("afterDestroy", (m: any) => dispatchEventsCallback(m, "post_id"))
  Post.addHook("afterUpdate", (m: any) => dispatchEventsCallback(m, "post_id"))
  Post.addHook("afterSave", (m: any) => dispatchEventsCallback(m, "post_id"))
  Post.addHook("afterUpsert", (m: any) => dispatchEventsCallback(m, "post_id"))

  console.log("[Hooks]: Sequelize hooks setup.")

We use the hooks to tell our Domain Events subject that we should notify all subscribers to the particular Domain Event (in this case, the UserCreated

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